Our Experience

We get lots of testimonials, but the one that started it all was our own!

After initially being floored by the incredible healing we'd witnessed in our baby daughter's eczema, we wished that we had thought to take some 'before and after' pictures of how the hazelwood dramatically improved her dry rashy skin, but it's not the kind of thing where you purposely allow your child's skin to get worse just to prove a point!

But then one day, we had to take off her hazelwood jewelry for passport photos and happened to forget to put it back on (oops!). After just six hours without her necklace on, her eczema came back with a vengeance, and we finally had the foresight and opportunity to take some 'before' pictures so that we could document the effects of the hazelwood jewelry on her skin.

So here are the results. Below are some images of our daughter’s back. The first is after forgetting to put her hazelwood necklace on for only 6 hours! The second is twenty-four hours later (after putting the necklace back on) and the third is forty-eight hours later.

As you can see, the transformation is dramatic!

None of these images were altered in any way other than the color balance because the lighting was different in the last photo, but no changes were made that would affect the appearance of the rash (i.e., smoothing). And yes, photo quality could be higher but this is long ago before smartphones were a thing...


Our Experience

This (above pic) is always what would happen if we removed our daughter’s necklace. Sometimes it would takes days, other times just hours for her skin to break out. Her condition involved a dry and flaky rash as well as the red bumps that are more visible in the picture. Her inner joints were usually affected in addition to her torso.


Our Experience

After putting the hazelwood necklace back on (actually two necklaces in this case) for twenty-four hours, her skin was much improved. We also used a zinc ointment and some coconut oil as a moisturizer but by themselves, those had never done much to help prior to the necklace.

You can still see where the red bumps had been, but they were on their way out. We would see this transformation every time we would take off her necklaces and forget to put them back on right away (our bad!).


Our Experience
Forty-eight hours after putting the necklaces back on, her skin was almost completely clear. You can still see a bit of scaliness where her skin was still healing. Ideally, we would have taken another picture at 72 hours to show her skin completely clear like it was normally but we didn’t get around to it. These images cover the bulk of the transformation though.


TAKEAWAY: If you know ANYONE battling eczema, let them know about this possible treatment option. It's natural and safe and cute too! It doesn't work for everyone, but we've seen about a 70% success rate for eczema over our 14 years of being in business, and when it works, it's truly life-changing!

Other immediate family members have also had success in treating heartburn and ulcers using hazelwood.



Or see all of our Hazelwood styles:

Hazelwood for Children

Hazelwood for Teens & Adults


Have questions?  Please contact us!